Hello Everyone,
This post is for all of you who always ask “Well, what’s it like to be married?”
Well, these are a few of the things that I’ve learned...
1. Keep God first! This is not a cliché! You must make God the head of your marriage (especially because there are so many demons strategically set to attack families.) You will have days when you will not want to be married, but you must always remember your covenant to your marriage and most of all, your covenant before God.
2. No one’s marriage is exactly the same. If you’re single and wanting to know how to be a good wife. Honor your vow to God. Stay committed to him. Prepare yourself to be a wife by keeping yourself together and your house in order, but know that there is no such thing as the perfect marriage. There is no such thing as the perfect wife. You and your husband will grow together. You learn as you move into that area of marriage. Consequently, the best example to follow is God’s example. If you’re married and are wanting advice from another married couple, listen to wisdom, but also know that at the end of the day your marriage is unique. What works for one couple may not work for you. Be sensitive to the needs of your spouse. Hear God first, then hear each other. Consider advice.
3. If you can’t forgive and are always holding grudges, you are not ready for marriage. Your spouse will hurt your feelings. Your spouse will tick you off. You will hurt your spouse’s feelings. You will tick your spouse off. Learn to forgive, or forget it!
4. Never assume your spouse is happy. Ask questions about your spouses likes and dislikes. Ask your spouse how they feel about the meals you cook, your hair, or even your romantic gestures. Someone made the greatest statement in the world to me as it applies to marriage, they said “If you’re afraid to talk about it, it’s probably because you know there’s something you need to change.” I know, “Wow!”
5. Marriage is about sacrifice and compromise. If you are spoiled and used to always getting your way, snap out of it! Give some to get some… (that goes for emotionally as well as physically)
6. Intimacy is about pleasing your partner. If both partners strive to please each other, everyone is satisfied.
7. (For those of you who still don’t know this) Marriage is not all about sex. If that’s all you have, then don’t get married…get saved and live holy! (If I offended you, I’m sorry, but it’s my blog and I can say what I want)
Here’s my breakdown:
Those of you that know me know that I’ve always strived to do the right thing, but I have fallen to temptation too. I’m not condemning anyone who has fallen. Temptation is real, and sometimes we fall. However, if we are children of God we have a responsibility to live the Word of God and speak the Word of God whether we are striving to master an area or have already mastered an area.
My story:
Although my husband and I made the commitment to abstain from sex while we were dating, there were times we failed to honor that same commitment. Consequently, we robbed ourselves of the newness of being one through intimacy. God has blessed us with a restored marriage and restored union, but there’s nothing like doing it His way in the beginning and all the way through. Believe me, it’s worth it!
Take some time to meditate on today's scripture:
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.
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