Tuesday, January 1, 2008

It's a new year!

Well everyone, it's a New Year and a new beginning! I am very excited about 2008, but I must say I have been beating myself up over one little thing. I can't seem to understand why I waited until the New Year to decide that there were some things that I would no longer tolerate in my life. Why do we wait an entire year before we say, "I've had enough!" No more!?" I don't know about you, but this year, I decided that they'll be no more New Year's Resolutions for me. This year, I've made a commitment to myself - I am going to live the best life possible. So... if that means that something I started doing at the beginning of the year no longer works in the middle of the year, it's cut - point blank. If you are a good friend in January, and somewhere around March you become baggage, sorry, but I have to let you go. Life is too short to carry the worry, stress, and dissapointment that many of us carry. Don't get me wrong, we will have our times of dissapointments, but if you're like me, many of your life's disappointments could have been stopped by simply making different choices. This year, I'm doing EVERYTHING different! It's a whole new life for me! I'm shaking free of stress, fear, worry, and dissapointment. I am going to be the best me that I can be. I hope this is the year everything becomes new for you as well. It's time to start living again!

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